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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Efficacy Leaf Suji

| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 | 0 komentar

Suji leaves often referred to as Pandan Betawi, although not smelled the smell of pandan leaves. He is a natural green dye to the cuisine of the archipelago. How to use it is to grind finely and then squeezed. Suji leaf water is commonly used to colorthe cake.
In order suji fragrant leaves, the following steps: (1) prepare suji leaves 20 sheets and 10 sheets ofpandan leaves, (2) finely crushed, (3) insert into 30 ml of boiled water, stir well, (4) strain.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Efficacy of Clove

| Wednesday, September 7, 2011 | 0 komentar

Cloves are native to Indonesia
which is widely used as a spice in
cooking spicy in European
countries as well as the main
ingredient of the typical
Indonesian clove cigarettes.
Clove spice comes from dried
flowers white clove tree. Before
the buds bloom, he picked and
dried until dark brown. As a
cooking ingredient, giving aroma
of cloves, strong, while giving a
warm feeling to the food. How
to use it is by mixing them
directly in whole or
menghaluskannya in advance
(depending on recipe).


Efficacy Green Chili

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Green chili is chili is still young.
This spice is widely used for
cooking stir-fry or berkuah.
Flavorful spicy unique flavor.
How to cook chili is by splitting
into two halves or sliced ​​
according to taste before it is
mixed with other food
ingredients. In the market itself
there are two kinds, namely
curly green peppers and green
chili big. For curly green chili
taste is more spicy than the
relatively large green peppers.


Kandis Acid Benefits

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Kandis acid is useful to add a
sour taste (somewhat bitter) on
the cuisine. The trick is to insert
kandis acid along with / into a
sauce dish. This spice comes
from the skin of dried fruit (lime
SECAM). The skin is dried until
the blackish color. To get it can
look it up in traditional markets.


Efficacy Acid Java

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Tamarind is useful to add a sour
taste in foods and beverages.
The trick is to mix directly on the
cooking juices or acidic water is
taken in advance. To get the
tamarind water, the way simply
by mixing some tamarind seeds
with a little warm water, stir well,
then filtered water.
Tamarind seasoning sold in
traditional markets or even
modern. You can buy acid are
sold intact (picked from the tree)
or in the form of solid slurry with
or without seeds.


Carrots Benefits

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Plant carrots (Daucus carota) has
a rod in the form of a set of
midrib (leaf stalks) that arise
from the base of the fruit of the
top (root). Its roots form the
root-riding and changing form
and function into tubers that are
round and elongated. Very few
side roots and grow in the tuber.
Bulbs reddish yellow, thin-
skinned, and if eaten raw, crisp
and slightly sweet.
Based on the form of tubers,
plant carrots can be divided into
three types, namely as follows:
type imperator (tuber elliptical
with pointed tip), the type
chantenay (tuber elliptical with
blunt ends), and Nantes types
(intermediate type between type
imperator by type chantenay).
Carrots are known to contain
lots of protein, karbohidat, fat,
fiber, vitamin A, glutathione,
beta-kareoten, and alkaline
elements such as calcium,
magnesium, iron, phosphorus,
sulfur, silicon, and chlorine. With
abortion, the Carrot believed to
help lower high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, pancreatic
cancer, lung cancer, hepatitis,
and prevent stroke.


Efficacy Tomatoes

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Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum
syn. Lycopersicum esculentum) is
a herbaceous plant annuals and
trunked weak and wet. The life
cycle of plants tomatoes quite
short, about 2-3 months. Higher
plants can reach 1-3 m. The
leaves are triangular, pinnate
leaves gaps in bone, and
arranged in a common stalk. The
flowers are yellow. Moderate
buni fruit is a fruit, with green
color when young and yellow or
red when old. Form his own
men there is a round, flat round,
and some are like the lightbulb.
The flesh contains a lot of water
and arranged in bunches, are
relatively small-sized seeds with
large quantities. These plants are
rooted riding with many side
roots and shallow.
Tomatoes are included in the
family Solanaceae and has
several subspecies as follows:
tomatoes apples, tomatoes or
tomato porcelain vegetable,
potato tomato, tomato curly,
wild tomato, tomato ranti, and
cherry tomatoes.
Inside there Tomatoes slonain
alkaloid content (0007%), sapinin,
folic acid, malic acid, citric acid,
bioflavonoids, proteins, fats,
sugars, adenine, trigolin, holin,
tomatin, minerals, vitamins,
histamine. Based on the
research, the materials contained
by the Tomatoes have benefits to
helpcope with indigestion, loss
of appetite, hepatitis,
inflammation, ulcers, stomach
disorders, hemorrhoids,
hypertension, and cholesterol.


Eggplant Nutrition

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Eggplant (Solanum melongena),
including the Solanaceae family
and is the base form of the
annual crops that can grow up
to 60-90 cm. Leaves of this plant
and it looks like the width of the
ear. While the flowers are purple
and the perfect flowers, usually
separated from the leaves and
stems that form in bunches of
flowers. To ride with roots roots
roots form a shallow well.
Type of eggplant that are known
in the community are as follows:
eggplant koprek (elongated with
blunt ends, the color purple or
green-white), eggplant craigi
(elongated pointed tip, the color
purple), brinjal or eggplant
chicago palm (large round, white
in color or green-white), and
brinjal or eggplant gelatik fresh
vegetable (such as chicago, but a
jecil eggplant, purple or white
color is purple).
In eggplant are calcium, vitamin
A, vitamin C, potassium, sodium,
acid klorogenat, and tripsin.
Based on research, the materials
contained by the eggplant has
benefits for lowering cholesterol;
treat swollen gums, inflammation
of the mouth, fever,
hemorrhoids, ulcers in the nose,
and cracked bones, launched
the urine; as anticancer,
antimicrobial, and antiviral; as a
tool contraception; and increase


Celery Benefits

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Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is
an erect herb, annual, and has a
height of about 25-100 cm. Stem
celery sided and grooved
longitudinally, with numerous
flowers, small, and white or
greenish white. There are three
classes of celery, the celery
leaves, celery slices, and celery
Celery is known to contain lots
of provitamin A, vitamin B and C,
essential oils, protein, calcium,
and phosphate salts. With
abortion, the Celery believed to
help increase levels of uric acid
in the blood, reduces pain in
inventories due to uric acid,
lowers blood pressure, normalize
bloodsugar, keep a healthy
heart and bones, overcoming
urinary tract infection, and
neutralize free radicals and
degenerative effects .


Lettuce Benefits

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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a plant
commonly planted in cold
regions or tropical. Lettuce
leaves have a fresh green leaves,
but there are also red. Leaves
are serrated or wavy edge. The
leaves are better eaten raw.
There are three types of lettuce
plants, namely: metnega lettuce,
lettuce lid, and cut lettuce.
Inside there Lettuce fiber,
provitamin A (carotenoids),
potassium, and calcium. Based
on the research, the materials
contained by Lettuce have
benefits for improving internal
organs, preventing the heat in,
launching the metabolism, helps
maintain healthy hair, prevent
skin becomes dry, and treat
insomnia (difficulty sleeping).


Efficacy Green mustard

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Mustard (brassica juncea)
belongs to the family Curciferae
the leafy crop is oval, smooth,
not hairy, and not berkrop.
Mustard plant stems shorter and
more slender than petsai plants.
He has roots with a lot riding
beside a shallow roots. The
flowers resemble petsai, but a
series of shorter bunches. Flower
bud size is smaller with pale
yellow color specific. Seeds are
small and dark brown in color
and there in both sides of the
bulkhead wall pods are plump.
Green mustard known to contain
lots of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C,
potassium, phosphorus, copper,
magnesium, iron, and protein.
With abortion, the mustard
green efficacious for preventing
cancer, hypertension, and heart
disease; assist healthy digestive
system; prevent and treat
pellagra disease; and prevent
pregnant women from anemia.


Efficacy Paprika

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Paprika (capsicum annuum) is a
new kind of peppers that are
known and cultivated in
Indonesia. This plant originated
from South America. The fruit is
big and fat like a bell, it was not
spicy, but slightly sweet. The fruit
is green, yellow, red, or purple is
often used as a mixed salad.
Seed lots imported from
overseas, including Japan and
In the paprika contained vitamin
C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, folic
acid, and beta-carotene. Based
on the research, the materials
contained by Paprika has a
protective effect against cancer,
high cholesterol, coronary heart
disease (CHD), stroke, and
diabetes mellitus; improve sperm
quality; as well as antioxidants.


Efficacy Radish

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Radish (raphanus sativus) is a
bulbous plant shrubs annuals.
Plant turnips have a root-riding
by the side roots that grow on
the roots of riding. The roots of
this riding will change the
function and form into a large
tuber. The flowers resemble
white flowers petsai but while
the seeds are round, large, and
yellowish. For the trunk, its size
and short oval hairy leaves.
Turnips into the family Cruciferae
andhas three varieties, namely:
Raphanus sativus L. Var.
Hortensis Backer, Rahpanus
sativus L. Var. Radicula Pres. A.
DC, or better known as radishes,
and the latter, Raphanus sativus
L. Var. Niger Mirat or better
known as the black radish
because it has a black-colored
Radish contains an enzyme
known to many diatase
responsibility to help digest the
starch, vitamin A, vitamin B1,
vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E,
niacin, essential oils, choline,
crude fiber, sulfur, calcium,
phosphorus, iron substance,
oxalic acid, potassium, silicon,
and raphain. With abortion, the
Radish efficacious to reduce
hardening and fat deposits in the
body, cleanse the liver, prevents
constipation, preventing cancer,
treating coughs and bronchitis,
fever and cure hemorrhoids,
overcome difficulty sleeping or
insomnia, rheumatism, reduces
appetite, helps overcome sinus
disease , treat sore throat, clear
mucus and phlegm (mucus), and
prevent viral infections such as
coughs and colds.


Efficacy Kangkung

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Water spinach (Ipomoea
aquatica Ipomoea reptans forsk
or poir1) is an old vegetable
plants which can be more than a
year. The growth is spreading or
twisted on the surrounding
plants. He is the type of
vegetable plant leaves and can
be included in the family
Convolvulacea. Leaves of kale
king-sized and whitish green.
There are two types of kale,
namely: (1) kale rabut, with slick
leaf-shaped arrowhead and a
pale green, and white flowers
with a bag containing four seeds,
and (2) kangkong marks, with
broad leaves and thin dark
green and purplish-white
Inside there Kangkung vitamin A,
vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein,
calcium, phosphorus, iron,
carotene, hentriakontan, and
sitosterol. Based on the research,
the materials contained by the
Watercress has benefits for
treating various health disorders
and as an antidote.


Savor Chili Rawit

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The main characteristic of the
chili pepper is the fruit of a small
but very spicy taste. The fruit is
green when young and turn red
when the old man stood erect
on a short-sized leaves and
armpits. These plants grow
chronic and branched width to
the height reached 1 - 2.5m. Its
roots form the root of riding
with lots of side roots are
shallow, while the leaves are
spread. Such as red peppers,
flowers cayenne pepper a small
trumpet-shaped and mostly
white. This plant can be fruitful
and able to bear fruit
throughout the year.
There are three types of chili
pepper, namely: (1) cengek
leutik, with small fruit, green,
and stood upright on the stalk,
(2) cengek sheep (cengek Bodas)
, with a relatively larger fruit
than cengek leutik, white at a
young age and turn orange
when old; and (3) ceplik, with
large green fruit when young
and red when old.
Chillies contain capsaicin Rawit
known to many, kapsantin,
carotenoids, alkaloids, resins,
essential oils, and vitamins A and
C. With abortion, the Chili Rawit
believed to help increase
appetite, normalize the back foot
andhand fatigue, relieve cough
with phlegm, relieve congestion
on sinusitus, and migraine.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Savor Chili Red

| Monday, September 5, 2011 | 0 komentar

Chili included in the family
Solanaceae. This plant is an erect
herb that has its roots with a lot
riding beside the shallow roots.
Part-haired young stems are
smooth, highly branched, and
can reach a height - 2.5m. The
leaves are scattered with leaves
strands of elongated oval or
ellipse shaped lanceolate, as well
as the base and tapered tip.
While the flowers nodded to the
size of red chili date of 10-18
mm. Shaped like a small
trumpet, and generally white,
although there are also purple.
Chilli fruit is fruit with the form
lines buni lanceolate, bright red,
and spicy taste. Flesh in the form
of pieces is not watery. Seeds
numerous, and located in the
room and attached to the fruit
of the placenta.
Inside there is the Red Chili
capsaicin content,
dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins A and
C, resins, dyes kapsantin,
carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin,
kriptosantin, lutein, and minerals
Based on the research, the
materials contained by Chili Red
has benefits to help cope with
symptoms abdominal pain,
toothache and a weak hand,
influenza, and increased


Benefits Spinach

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Spinach is an annual plant
(annuals) from Tropical America.
In its development in Latin
America, the spinach was
promoted as a plant food source
of protein, especially for
developing countries. While the
spinach as a vegetable
commonly known only in East
Asia and Southeast Asia, so
called in English as Chinese
Rod-shaped spinach with several
lateral branches erect shrub
form. The height can reach 150
cm. The trunk itself as well as
watery and lacking berkkayu
green or reddish. Stemmed
leaves are oval, limp, green, red,
or green vaginal discharge. Bone
leaves clear, green or reddish.
The flowers are shaped grains
and seeds black, small, and
Spinach is known to contain lots
of protein, fat, carbohydrate,
substances iron, potassium,
calcium, amarantin, routine,
purine, chlorophyll,
fithohormon, as well as vitamins
A, B, and C. With abortion, the
Spinach believed to help improve
kidneyfunction and digestion,
overcoming low blood pressure,
anemia, strengthens hair roots,
purify the blood after birth, and
prevent bone loss.


Efficacy Shallots

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Onion (allium ascalonicum)
originated from Western Asia
and cultivated in Egypt since
3500 BC. This plant is a tuber
crop with layered formed from
layers of leaves that are enlarged
andunited. Its roots in the form
of fibers with cylindrical leaves
berrongga. This plant also has a
natural growth regulating
substances in the form of the
hormone auxin and gibberellins.
Onions contain essential oils
known to many, sikloalilin,
metilallin, dihidroallin,
flavonglikosida, quercetin,
saponins, peptides, fitohormon,
vitamins, and starch. With
abortion, the Onion efficacious
to help treat a cough, fever,
diabetes, and as de-worming.


Efficacy garlic

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The term onion originated when
the crop was first brought by
traders from the city of Bombay
(now called Mumbay), India, to
Indonesia. Onion (allium CEVA),
including herbaceous biennial
(two-season crop) is cultivated as
an annual plant (annuals),
except for seed production.
Onions or garlic east are in a
lineage with a red onion (allium
cepa L). The difference is not too
flashy, but the shape and smell
or aroma. It has a layered bulbs,
which are formed from the base
of the leaves / layers an
enlarged and united, and
subsequently forming rod that
change shape and function,
grow, and become coated bulbs.
The plant itself has a root fibers
with cylindrical leaves berrongga.
Inside Onions contained allicin
content, amino acids, calcium,
manganese, sodium, sulfur,
vitamin C, vitamin E, essential
oils, quercitin, and curcumin
Based on the research, the
materials contained by Onions
have a benefit to suppress levels
of cholesterol in blood,
increasing the amount of HDL
(good cholesterol) by 30%,
improve blood vessel constriction
and hypertension, relieve colds,
relieve abdominal pain, lower
blood sugar levels, prevent
cancer, prevent the breakdown
of insulin in the liver, stimulate
production of insulin by the
pancreas, and pressing
osteoporosis attack.


Efficacy Onion Leaves

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Onion (allium sp) have been
planted since abak centuries ago
in China and Japan. He is a
perennial plant (annual) are
cultured in annual (seasonal) or
biennial (two seasons). Plant
onion leaves do not produce
tubers, leaves a long round, and
hollow like a pipe. The structure
of the flowers with red onions,
with a white flower color. The
seeds are still young and when
old white to black.
There are two types of scallion,
the garlic daffodil (allium
fistulosum) or onion Semprong /
flashing symbol and leek (allium
porrum) or leek. The first has
the small tuber with round
leaves, length, and hollow like a
pipe. While the second has no
bulbs with long leaves, long
berpelepah flat, and clay.
Known to contain lots of onion
leaves saponins, tannins, and
essential oils With abortion, the
Onion Leaf efficacious to relieve
flatulence, coughs, colds,
shortness of breath due to flu,
diuretics, diaforetik, joint pain
and anti-inflammatory; eliminates
swollenpustules; and eliminate
free insect bites.


Lotus Benefits

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Lotus (Nelumbo Druce
Nelumbium) belong to the family
Nymphaeaceae. Synonyms of this
plantis Nelumbiurn nuciferum,
Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. =
Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. =
Nyrnphaea Nelumbo, Linn. And
has local name: Padma, lotus,
Terate, tarate, large lotus.
Chronicaquatic plants of this
beautiful, native of mainland
Asia. Lotus cultivated in the
waters and ponds, sometimes
found growing wild in the
swamps. Plant water rumbah
upright. Rhizome thick, scaly,
growing creeper. Leaves and
flowers come out directly from
the rhizome attached to the mud
atthe bottom of the pool. Leaf
blade width and round,
supported by a long stalk and
round in diameter from 0.5 to 1
cm in length, 75-150 cm. Leaves
poking above the surface of
water, towering up like a shield.
Waxy leaf surface; whitish green
color, flat edge, the center
slightly hollowed, the bones
scattered leaves from the center
toward the edges of leaves,
diameter of 30-50 cm. The
flowers are fragrant, grows
towering above the water
surface with a long round and
sturdy stems, long flower stems
75-200 cm. Flower diameter
15-25 cm, stamens many yellow
anthers, petals wide, there is an
ankle and one double with pink,
white and yellow. Flowers bloom
all day from morning till evening.
After wilting, flower crown
bergugurn until finally left the
basic interest rate that will occur
will be fruit, shaped like inverted
cones with a flat surface like a
sponge and the holes contain
15-30 seeds, yellowish green
color, then green and finally
dark brown, median line 6 - 11
cm. Seeds are round like a
peanut, found in the pits of fruit
shaped like a beehive. Old seeds
blackish green color, age
approximately 1 month after
flowers bloom. The leaves are
commonly used as packing
materials, young rhizomes and
seeds are edible.
Dapaat parts used for the
treatment of:
Theentire plant including roots,
leaves and stems, flowers and
stamens, seeds and flowers such
as buffer honeycomb / sponge
(reseptacle), as well as seeds
sprout. Use fresh or dried.
Lotuscontain several different
chemical content in each part. In
flowers containing lutiolin,
isokuersitrin, quercetin, and
kaempferol. Stamens contain
alkaloids, isokersitrin, leteolin,
quercetin and galuteolin. Buffer
interest: proteins, fats,
carbohydrates carotene, nicotinic
acid, vitamin B1, B2, C and
slightly nelumbin. Seeds: starch-
containing raffinosa, proteins,
fats, carbohydrates, calcium,
phosphorus, and iron. Bud
seeds: liensinin, isoliensinin,
neferin, nuciferin, prouciferin,
lotusina, methylcorypallin,
demethylcoclaurine, geluteolin
and hyperin. Rhizome: starch,
protein, asparagine, vit C, d-
gallacotechol, neochlorogenik
acid, leucocyanidin and
peroxidation. Roots: tanat
substances, and asparagine.
Leaves: roemerin, nornuciferin.
Petiole: roemerin, nornuciferin,
resins, and substance tanat.
Seeds:- Impaired absorption of
food (malabsorbtion). - Diarrhea
due to weakness, chronic
intestinal inflammation (chronic
- Dysentery.
- Vomiting.
- Whitish, bleeding in women.
- Wet Dreams (spermatorrhea).
- Sleep disorders, many dreams.
- Urinary pain and turbid.
-Fatigue is not excited
-Cancer nasopharynx.
Lotus bud seeds:
- Fever, thirst.
- Heart palpitations, anxiety.
- Vomiting blood.
- Premature ejaculation.
- Eyes red and swollen.
- Difficult to sleep (insomnia).
-High blood pressure (
hypertension ).
Sari Yarn:
-Sperm night out
- Whitish (leucorrhea).
-Bleeding such as vomiting
blood, dysentery.
- Frequent urination.
- Unableto hold urine (enuresis)
Remptacle: - content of excessive
- Excessive menstrual blood.
- Bleeding during pregnancy.
-Discharge (lochia) is excessive
-Lower abdominal pain due to
blood clots.
- Dysentery, blood urine.
-Hemorrhoids , ulceration wet.
- Fever, thirst.
-Coughing blood, vomiting
blood, nosebleed.
-Dysentery, blood urine, high
blood pressure.
- Heart disease.
- Disorders of the stomach.
- Lack of blood (anemia ).
- Disorders of the menopause
- Neurosis.
- Vomiting of blood, nosebleed.
- Hot and red urine.
- Coughing up blood, dysentery.
-Fainting due to heat (heat
stroke ).
- Diarrhea due to hot or humid.
- Dizziness, headache.
- Give - give.
-Bleeding such as nosebleeds,
vomiting blood, blood dysentery.
- Bleeding in women.
Basic leaf:
- Dysentery bloody, diarrhea.
-Babies in the womb is not
-Heat stroke, fainting. - Chest
feels depressed because of hot
or humid.
- Diarrhea, vomiting.
- Whitish.
- Shock (trauma).
- Bleeding.
- Inflammation of purulent skin
Flour rhizome:
- Increases appetite.
- Agency weaker and less blood.
- Diarrhea.


Efficacy girlfriend Water

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If you enjoy a childhood in the
village, surely you remember
how to paint your nails with this
plant. Although the color is less
with the splendor of modern nail
polish but seep into the nail
color and looks more natural.
Whilein Bali, the flowers are
often wedged between the
cymbals sari (offerings) are used
for worship.
Butteryata this plant has many
benefits for treating disease.
Among others, to relieve
rheumatism , eroded ulcers ,
dispel menstrual pain, and
relieve pain in certain parts of
the body.


Savor The Yellow Kemuning

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Myrtle is growing wild in the
bush, forest edges, or can be
grown as potted plants and
hedges. Myrtle can be found to
an altitude of + / - 400 m above
sea level. Morphological
variation is enormous.
Commonly planted to fence off
the yard, usually small-leaved
species and dense. Shrubs or
small trees, much branched, 3-8
m high, hard stems, grooved, not
spiny.Leaves compound, finned
odd with young leaves 3-9,
alternate location. Bertngkai leaf
blade children, form an oval or
ellipse breech, the end of the
base and tapering, flat edge or
slightly beringgit, 2-7 cm long,
1-3 cm wide, smooth, shiny,
green color, no smell when
crushed. Compound interest-
shaped bunches, 1-8, it's white,
fragrant, axillary or leaf out of
the end of the branch. Buni fruit
fleshy, elongated oval or round,
8-12 mm long, young green after
dark glossy red, seeded two.
Kemuningis spicy, bitter, warm,
has a property numbing,
soothing, relieving inflammation,
arthritis , thyroid, swelling,
facilitating blood circulation, and
a skin.
Thisplant is very well if planted
in the yard. Will provide a
reassuring aura. Maximum yield
obtained was when the tree is
flowering. Fragrant yellow
flowers can scent the body.
When you plant them in pots
you can put the tree in the
room. This tree will give a sense
of fun.
LocalName: Kamuning (Sunda),
Kamuning, Kumuning (Java).;
Kajeni, Kemuning, Kemoning
(Bali), Kamoning (Madura);
Kamuning (Manado, Makasar),
Kamoni (Bare), Palopo (Bugis).;
Kamuni (Bima). eseki, tanasa,
kamone, kamoni (Maluku).; Jiu
xiang li, yueh chu (China),
Orange jessamine (UK).;
Curable Disease:
Inflammationof the testicles
(orchitis), inflammation of the
airways (bronchitis); Urinary tract
infections, gonorrhea, vaginal
discharge, toothache , irregular
menstruation, excessive body fat,
body slimming,; Pain in peptic
(ulcer), rough skin, bruises in a
collision,; Rheumatism, sprains,
insect bites and poisonous
snakes, eczema,; Ulcer ,
ulceration, epidemic encephalitis
B, open sores on the skin
Partsused: Leaves, twigs and
roots, bark also have medicinal.


Efficacy CambodiaEfficacy Cambodia

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Frangipani (Plumeria rubra
Acutifolia.) area of origin of this
plant from the tropics and Africa
Amirika. These trees include
ornamental plants, included in
the family Apocynaceae. The
flowers consist of several types
including: white and red or a
japanese. The trunk of the hard
woody stems high, reaching 6
meters, many branches, main
trunks big, soft young branches,
the stems tend bengkokdan
bergatah. Another name of
frangipani Plumeria acuminata
among other things, Ait. P.
acuminata, Roxb.P. acutifolia,
Poir.P. alba, Blanco.P.obtusa,
Lour. P. rubra, Linn, from
acutifolia Woods. P. rubra, Linn.
var. acutifolia (Poir) Bailey.
Frangipani leaves are green
leaves, oval shaped with both
ends tapered and somewhat
hard with leaf veins that stand
out, often fall out especially
when the blossom. While the
flowers are trumpet-shaped,
appearing at the ends of stems,
leaves flowers amounted to 5
fruit, flowering throughout the
year. Frangipani plants can
flourish in the lowlands to an
altitude of 700 meters above the
ground surface of the sea,
thrives almost everywhere and
does not choose a specific
climate for breeding. Local name
of this plant include:
> > > > > > (Madura),
> >(Minahasa),
> Tree Sap Cambodia (Plumeria
acuminata) contains a type of
rubber compound, triterpenoid
amyrin, lupeol, kautscuk and
resin. Volatility of oil content
consisting of geraniol, sitronellol,
linallol, farnesol and


Efficacy Combs Chicken

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Cock's comb has a flower that
resembles a chicken's comb.
Because that's called a chicken's
comb. These plants include
ornamental plants into Kriya.
The original name of this plant ji
guan hua (China) and
Cockscomb (UK). This flower
store many medicinal properties.
In China the plant is used to
treat diseases in children who
suffer from symptoms Yangxu
(yangsi), a disease with signs of
cold hands and feet. And for the
adult chicken's comb is believed
to cure "machismo".
Ingeneral, plants are planted in
the yard or garden, can not
grow wild. Flower colors include
red, yellow, and purple. Grows
well in lowland with an altitude
of 1,000 meters above the
surface of the chicken's comb
laut.Bunga taste sweet. Is cool,
with affinity to mendirian astrigen
liverand kidneys. This flower is
efficacious as an anti rasang,
tourniquet and mererangkan
InPalembang call this plant in
flower tali.Tingginya about 60-90
cm long, thick and strong stems,
branching, and grooved. Having
a single leaf, stemmed, alternate
location. Blade oval-shaped
leaves up to 5-12 cm long, 3.5 to
6.5 cm wide with pointed tip,
Arna green with a little red line
in the middle of the leaf. The
leaves contain polyphenols,
saponins and flavonida.
compound interest has shaped
ears, thick berdagibg, bagia
widened resembling chicken's
comb over, many times, and
branching. This flower contains
amaranthin, kaempferitrin,
pinitol, and fatty oils.
Tomake the chicken's comb
flower powder, open drain and
puree (milled). Usually the use of
powderto the drink. As for
external use / external drug use
rates are still fresh.


Efficacy Flowers Rosela

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The flowers are very tempting,
many people who call rosella
flowers. The most rewarding part
is the dried petals petals can be
used to make syrup, jams,
sweets, juice, salad, and pudding.
Besides tasty, various processed
rosella has pharmacological
effects are fairly complete.
Grouprosella flowers are dark
red, thick and juicy. The more
intense red color, taste more
acidic and of course also the
greater usefulness. This plant is
easy to grow, even in the village
where I grew up this plant
growing in the yard of a house
made in ornamental plants.
According to research, anti-
oxidants contained in roselle tea
is higher than the cat's whiskers
that have been clinically proven
able to break down kidney
stones. Melelui study also found
51% and 24% anthocyanins anti-
oxidants in a solution of 300 ml
of water brewed with the dried
rosella flowers. Anthocyanin in
roselle can inhibit cell death and
cancer or leukemia of red blood.
Although the study of new
preclinical testing in the
laboratory, because there is no
scientific evidence regarding the
effect directly to humans.
However, it has traditionally
been a lot of people who take
advantage of rosella flowers for
high blood menurunka. If you
drink steeping rosella flowers
regularly, then the nerves and
tension neck stiffness due to
hypertension over time will
disappear. The body becomes
fitter and sleep soundly. rosella
flowers use to lower high blood
pressure have been tested
clinically in Tehran, Iran.
All you need to remember, be
careful when buying dried
rosella flowers. You relatively
easy to find dried rosella flowers,
even in the market
tradisionalpun you can get it.
Avoid consuming dried rosella
flowers are red color has faded.
Because maybe there is
something wrong in the process
of drying, packaging, or storage.
The waning of the color red
means dried roselle flowers fade
also properties that are on it.
Save your dried rosella flowers in
aprotected place, keep it away
from direct sun contact. If it
comes in contact with direct
sunlight will make anthocyanins
degraded, because other than
beneficial to health antosianinlah
that makes the red color on
rosella flowers.


Efficacy Flower Princess Malu

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Princess shame is a wild plant,
Mimosa pudica L. is the Latin
name for this plant.
Characteristic of this plant is its
leaves shut when touched and
has thorns on its trunk. The
flowers are round, mostly
purple. Both medically and
empirically, the daughter of
shame mwmiliki benefits of
preventing and treating some
Ingredients: Tamin, mimosin, and
pipekolinat acid.


Efficacy Flowers Four o'clock

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PLANT has a Latin name:
Merabilis Jalapa L. Known by
various names in various regions.
Four o'clock flower (Indonesia,
Sumatra); Kederat, segerat,
tegerat (Java), Kupa Oras, Cako
raha (Maluku); peranggi flowers,
flowers perengki (Sulawesi); At
four, turaga, bodoko Sina,
flowers tete what (Sulawesi); Zi
Mo li (China).
Grow isgrowing in the garden as
an ornamental plant, with
enough sunshine in the lowlands
to 1200 m asl
Annual herb,is derived from the
South Amirika, erect, height 20
cm-80 cm, many people planted
as an ornamental plant in the
yard or as a barrier fence. Grows
in lowland getting enough
sunlight or in hilly areas.
Includedin interest-kampahan
kampah, trunked wet, heart-
shaped leaves, dark green color,
length 2 cm-11 cm, width 8
mm-7 cm, leaf base rounded,
tapered tip, flat leaf edges,
where the line of sight, has a leaf
stalklength of 6 mm-6 cm. The
flowers are trumpet-shaped, with
lotsof colors, including: red,
white, orange, yellow,
combination / mottled. Blooms
in the evening and the bud back
in the morning before dawn. The
fruit is hard, black, egg-shaped,
can be made powder. Tuber skin
is brown-black, elongated
spherical shape, length 7 cm, 9
cm in diameter and 2 cm-5 cm,
the contents of the white bulbs.
Thisflower contains alkaloids
trigonelia. Efficacious as an anti-
inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)
; Diuretics (water peluruh art)


Efficacy of Roses

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This flower is often used to
express the feeling of love.
Besides a lot of hotels and
nightspots make this flower
decoration series or in a corner
or at the front desk. Both color
and smell of flowers is very
exciting. Yes, the rose can indeed
enhance sexual arousal. In
addition to flower color and
attractive, interest is efficacious
as a medicine.
Shrubs, including roses that have
a rounded and thorny stems.
Contains 300 constituents, but
only about 100 constituents were
detected benefits. Constituents,
including vitamin C, B, E, K,
tannin, geraniol, nerol, sitronelol,
geranikacids, terpenes,
flavonoids, pectin, polyphenols,
carotenoids, vanillin, stearopten,
farnesol, phenyletanol, eugenol,
nonilaldehida, and
Chemicalproperties of red roses
have a warm and sweet taste,
efficacious anti-inflammatory,
anti-spasm, aphrodisiac,
fresheners, bile secretion
enhancer, tonic, menstrual
regulator, expectorant, relieving
swelling, and cleansing toxins
from the body system.
Besidesroses can also be used
for beauty treatments, especially
for skin cleansers and toners,
cleansers spots acne scars,
ulcers , prevention of wrinkles,
or abscess.
Inuse for the treatment and
beauty can be boiled or brewed
roses (flowers). Basically, all parts
ofroses (flowers, roots, and
leaves) can be used. Usually the
leaves are used while still fresh,
while the flowers and roots can
be dried first.
Frequently used type of rose is a
rose Bulgarian (rosa Damascene)
, maroccan or French type (rosa
centifolia). However, local types
of roses can also be used (type
rosa chinensis jacg., Rosa Sinica
L, and auctt.Non rosa indica L.)


Efficacy sun Flowers (Mata Hari)

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INTEREST sun or Helianthus
annuus L is a native plant of
North America, precisely in the
area of ​​Mexico, Peru and Chile.
These plants come from families
compositeae (Asteraceae). There
are about 67 species in this
genus Helianthus. Helianthus
comes from the word helios
meaning sun and anthos means
flower. But the most plausible
reason why the sunflower is
named because the flowers are
always facing toward the coming
sun. This flower is the largest
moving light source to follow
In china flower is known by the
name Xiang ri kui. While in
Indonesia itself had many names
including pupil interest Matori,
ledomata, flower stengenge,
Bungong matuhori,
purbanegara, until sungeng.
Thisshort-lived herbaceous
upright tunbuh 1 to 3 meters tall
with fine hairs on all parts. Single
heart-shaped leaves with large
flowers resembling the cup on
the edge. Right middle-middle
there are the small flowers are
tubular and brown. Although
included in the trunked plants
wet, flowers are just 'more
comfortable' planted in areas
that receive much sunlight.
Thisflower contains a fairly
complete nutrition.
And each of its parts have the
following functions:
Flowers: antipyretic,
hypotensive, lowering blood
pressure, reduce pain (analgesic),
(dysmenorrhoe), stomach pain
(gastric pain), headache,
toothache , abdominal pain, high
blood pressure , breast
inflammation (topical), arthritis
(topical), cosmetics (to prevent
premature aging), and difficult
Roots: Anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, antitussive, diuretic,
cough , kidney stones, bronchitis,
leucorrhoea (leucorrhoe), anti-
inflammatory, laxative urine,
cough, and pain relief.
Leaves: Anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, antipyretic, anti-
inflammation, reduce pain, and
Seed: Anti-dysentery, arouse
appetite, lethargy, headaches,
bloody dysentery, stimulate
spending body fluids (hormones,
enzymes, etc..), Induced
stimulation of measles (measles).
Marrow of the stem and the
base interest rate
(reseptaculum): Stimulates vital
energy, calming the liver,
stimulate spending urine, relieve
pain at the time of bowel tract,
stomach pain, bloody urine
(hematuria), urine, fatty
(chyluria), cancer stomach ,
esophageal cancer and
malignant mole.


Kenanga Flower Efficacy

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INTEREST ylang has been known
since long. First, the princess
often use it. Even the late
Mother used to use it to fertilize
Fatmawati and discolor hair. Are
you excited to try?
Boxwood is often called kenongo
(Java),makosoi (Fiji), cadenia
(Spain) and Canangium
odoratum Baill (Latin). Plants
from the Annonaceae family is
thought to have come from
Southeast Asia including
Indonesia. Because the smell of
fragrant, it was known as the
perfume tree. Higher plants can
reach 30 m. In addition to
growing wild in the forest, can
also be planted in the yard, and
can tunbuh fertile at an altitude
of 1200 m above sea level.
Theleaves are oval shaped,
straggling bunches of flowers are
green but when the old turned
yellow and smell very fragrant.
This flower contains bensoat
acid, farnesol, geraniol, linalool,
gasoline acetate, eugenol, sadrol,
kadinen, andpinene. Oil content
is quite high but is easy to
Insome communities in Java,
ylang is often used in rituals with
jasmine, roses and other flowers
soaked in water from seven
wells. The water bath could be
called a 'Water Flower setaman'.
With the aroma of fragrantylang
flowers are yellowish green,
along with jasmine and magnolia
is a royal family member's
favorite flowers in the kingdoms
in Java. In noble families, the
ylang commonly used for
materials 'ngadi salira' (body
care). The trick flowers or ylang
oil is made as to luluran sihingga
material will produce a soft skin
and face. The use of fragrance
with the scent of ylang own
show caring for the wearer.
Added,ylang oil is also excellent
for aroma therapy
(aromatherapy). He will manage
the flow of adrenal glands in the
nervous system, causing feelings
of pleasure, calm, menhilangkan
anxiety, anger, and panic.
There is nothing to kosmetikan,
plant part used is the extract
from the tawny-colored flowers.
When used in soaps will have a
balancing effect for oily skin or
dry skin. In addition, oil can
strengthen and stimulate hair
growth. As for the beauty
matters, ylang oil in the mixture
used in masks and scrubs. Ylang
flower essential oil only produces
agood material for perfume


Efficacy Flowers Cana

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This plant is classified as outside
plant with the Latin name of
Canna indica. These plants
usually grow in forests and
mountains although not
infrequently used as ornamental
plants in yards and parks,
because it has a stunning flower.
And behind the charm of various
colors teryata kana flowers have
healing power that ordinary
Kanaflowers or flower tasbeh
come from the tropics of the
Americas. These plants are
capable of living in the lowlands
to an altitude of 1,000 m above
sea level. This plant grows large,
upright, with the high reaching
two meters. This plant has a
thick rhizome resembles a yam.
The leaves are large and wide,
pinnate clear. They were green
or red tengguli. Large flowers
with bright colors, like red, pink,
and yellow arranged in bunches.
These plants in Australia known
as a producer of flour. Rhizome
of sweet taste is cool and makes
the tuber as conditioning,
reliever fever, urinary laxative,
sedative and lowers blood
pressure. While the flowers are
hemostatis. While the leaves
contain tannins and sulfur. And
according to Mangan Yellia a
herbalist in Jakarta rhizome
tasbeh interest is better than on
betel leaves to eliminate vaginal


Efficacy Hibiscus Flowers

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In Hawaii, this flower be
decorated very long black hair
exotic dancers in hula-hula, who
became an icon of that State.
While in Sudan and Malaysia,
this flower is processed into jam,
tea bags, and syrup.
MostWomen shortage of
hemoglobin (red blood grains),
and deficiency of red blood
grains will result in anemia . That
requires adequate iron intake.
Hibiscus flower contains iron,
vitamins A and C, calcium, and
fiber. High Calcium helps the
growth and strength of teeth
and bones. In addition to good
bone health is also useful for the
eyes, and skin. Fiber is
indispensable to improve the
digestive system.
This flower is able to repair and
maintain the body's metabolism,
adults, teenagers, toddlers, and
even seniors. However, although
many species that grow in
Indonesia only two that have
been known to be useful for
drinks, namely Syriacus (Rose of
Sharon) and Trionum (Flower of
an Hour).
Tropical and sub tropical plants
are often found in Hawaii,
Colombia, Caribbean Islands,
Jamaica, Cuba, South China,
Thailand, Africa, India, and
Indonesia. Eksois flower has
various colors, which is bright
red, purple, blue, white, orange,
and violet. In Malaysia utilized
and developed commercially as a
tea bag.
InIndonesia, this plant grows in
the lowlands and the high, 1 -
1,000 m above sea level. Syriacus
physical characteristics, is a
purplish red tree trunks. Has two
kinds of leaves three and one-
tongued purplish red, 6-month-
old plant height of 2-3 m. These
plants tend to grow vertically,
the branches grow from the
parent branch is relatively
disorganized, growing from the
trunk so that the editorial that
looks less good. Flowers and
petals red-violet color, size 4-5 m
diameterflower, the petals were
fresh acid, the water content a
bit and not menkilap.
Moderate physical characteristics
Hibiscus Trionum, trunk fat
mixed with red-green color, the
skin feels fresh stems, leaves
three-and-tongued tongued
edge of a smooth one with
green and purple, the plant
grows upright, with branches
growing relatively orderly from
bottom up, the line middle of
the canopy 1.5 to 2 m, height of
plant age 6 months (2 m),
trunked small timber. Flowers
are white middle-colored violet,
4-5 cm diameter, blooms in the
morning and then withered.
Kelompak interest amounted to
5 pieces, red, sour and slightly
sweet, looks shiny. Both of these
plants can not stand the wind
blows because the roots are not
Ithas been mentioned above
that this flower contains iron,
vitamins A and C, calcium, and
fiber, sugars, potassium, sodium,
and carbohydrates. The
combination of all minerals and
vitamins that can generate high
enough calories. Can be useful
as a tonic to increase vitality,
because vitamin C is high enough
thenit can help the absorption
of all vitamins and minerals. The
content of vitamins and minerals
to improve the body's
metabolism. So for those who
study flower used to drinking this
willincrease the body immunity,
so resistant to disease or virus
attacks. Not only that, for those
who are on a diet because of
diabetes mellitus, body slimming
program (slimming) and body
firming (remove the fat in the
abdomen, thighs, and arms at
the same time it helps to fasten it
with flowers.


Efficacy Pagoda flower

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Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum
japonicum) are included in the
families Verbenaceae, commonly
planted in the garden, yard, or
on the roadside outside the city
region as an ornamental plant.
Characteristic is evidenced by the
high plant that can reach 1-3 m.
The trunk filled with fine hair.
Single leaves, stemmed, where
the line of sight. While the leaves
are characterized by a wide oval,
heart-shaped leaves Jetty,
bercangap menjari old leaves,
can reach 30 cm in length.
Chemical content of Flower
Pagoda beneficial to health, such
as: alkoloid, Potassium Salt,
Substance Samak. Pagoda flower
root efficacious anti-
inflammatory, laxative urine
(diuretic), eliminating swelling,
and destroy the frozen blood.
Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum
japonicum {Thunb.} Sweet)


Efficacy Tuberose

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DURING this delicious night more
in the know as ornamental
flowers. Smelled the fragrance of
jasminebernanfaat reassuring
those around him. However, the
actual interest pleasant evening
had a number of benefits to
kesehatTapak vehicles, ranging
from treating complaints of
insomnia or insomnia, influenza,
until rheumatism . This plant was
first discovered in Mexico. In
Mexico this plant is used as an
ornamental plant. In the evening
will come out very fragrant scent
of this flower. So it is not
uncommon to see a woman who
slipped this flower in her bun.
Pleasantevening sapogenin
containing a chemical substance
that serves as a spreader and
fragrances. Has a property down
the heat and eliminate swelling.
And again because there is no
in-depth study of the usefulness
of this interest, our guide in the
use of this pleasant evening as
drugs based solely on empirical
experience only.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fruit Benefits Bisbul (tomato)

| Sunday, September 4, 2011 | 5 komentar

Bisbul (Diospyros blancoi A. DC)
is known also sebgai Velvet
Apple (UK) or fruit butter. He is
a wild fruit that originally lived in
the forests of the Philippines, but
now has spread in many tropical
countries, including Indonesia,
especially in Bogor, West Java.
Spherical shape is flattened, with
large approximately 5-12 cm x
8-10 cm and fluffy like velvet.
The fruit is included in the ebony
family (Ebenaceae tribe) and
allied with the fruit of
persimmon and ebony. No
wonder if in his native country
he was called Fruit or Fruit Hairy
Fruit bisbul rather unique color.
Initially reddish brown and then
turn into bright red and finally
becomes a bit dull when ripe. As
for his own flesh whitish, dry,
slightly hard, and dense. It was
sweet and somewhat Sepat
berbaus hard, almost like the
smell of cheese and durian. Each
fruit contains up to 10 grains of
seed grain wedge-shaped and
sized up to 4 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm.
Bisbul commonly eaten fruits in
fresh condition if it is ripe. The
pulp can also diris-sliced ​​and
mixed with other fruits to be
used as salad.
Bisbul tree has a varied
appearance, from the shape of
leaves and feathers and the
shape and flavor of fruit.
Pohonna can reach a height of
30 meters, straight-trunked with
pepagan colored black with a
diameter of up to 50 cm or more
inthe base of the stem. The
wood is smooth and durable,
black and more utilized in the
Philippines for the manufacture
of handicrafts. While the leaves
are glossy dark green above and
silvery downy underneath.
Every 100 grams of fruit bisbul
contains 2.8 grams of protein,
0.2 grams fat, 11.8 grams
carbohydrates, 1.8 grams fiber,
46 mg calcium, 18 mg
phosphorus, 0.6 mg of iron,
vitamin A, vitamin C , thiamine,
roblavin, and energy. With a high
fibercontent, then bisbul
beneficial to increase endurance,
improve the digestive tract, the
skin, maintaining eye health, and
prevent constipation .


Chocolate Fruit Benefits

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There have been many studies
that prove that chocolate has
health benefits. Bio-active
substances in the form of anti-
oxidants are believed to be very
useful from the medical side.
From the psychological side of
any mengkonsumgi chocolate
can make you feel comfortable
and gives a relaxing effect.
However, please note that some
of the chocolate product can
actually provide an adverse
effect on our bodies.
In a journal, reported that many
chocolate manufacturers remove
flavanols content because it
tastes bitter. As a result, many
chocolate products on the
market today only contain fat
and sugar. In fact, as already
known, both of which substances
shouldbe limited because they
are one of the main enemy for
our health, especially for the
heart and blood vessels.
To gain the maximum benefit
when eating chocolate, try to
balance it by reducing the intake
of other foods. Also, do not
overdo the chocolate snack.


Dragon Fruit Benefits

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Dragon fruit or commonly also
called dragon fruit or thang-Loy
has the chemical name
Hylocereus undatus. The fruit is
produced a kind of cactus
plants, have stems that grow
salur spread. The trunk is green
with a triangular shape. These
plants can be propagated by
cuttings or sow seeds. A glimpse
of the dragon fruit flavors such
as kiwi fruit , a combination of
sweet, sour and fresh. Dragon
fruit can be consumed as fresh
fruit, made into puddings, fill the
pie, mixed fruit salad or ice. The
fruit is according to health
experts, is rich in vitamins and
minerals that can help increase
endurance. In addition, the
nutrients contained in the
dragon fruit is also beneficial for
lowering blood pressure and
relieve digestive diseases.
The content contained in the
dragon fruit:
Vitamin C
Beta carotene
High fiber content, which
serves as a binder carcinogens
cause cancer and facilitate the
digestive process.
Some properties of dragon
Treat cancer, tumors , eye
pain, gout , and heart.
Cure rheumatism .
Balancing blood sugar levels.
Controlling cholesterol .
Strengthens kidneys and
Sharpen vision.


Cucumber Fruit Benefits

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Cucumber proved to have a
diverse khasiaat. The fruit can be
used to treat dysentery and
dizziness / headache / fever.
While the seeds have a toxic
alkaloid hipoxanti types that can
treat children who suffer from
intestinal worms and sore
throat . In addition, the
cucumber is also useful to
eliminate acne, overcoming
thrush , lowers high blood
pressure , and cleanse the
One mentimum own fruit seeds
contain 0.65% protein, 0.1% fat,
2.2% carbohydrates, calcium,
iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2,
and vitamin C.
Here are the ways of treatment
of disease by using a cucumber :
1. For treatment of high
blood pressure, grated
cucumber and squeeze the
water, then drink. Do it 2-3
times a day.
2. For treatment of canker
sores, eat 9 pieces of
cucumber every day
3. To cleanse the kidneys,
grated cucumber and
squeeze the water. Drink
little by little until the
gastric fluid used to
receiving cucumber.
Perform routine ..
4. For fever, grated cucumber
andput it on her stomach
parutannya results.
5. For pimples, wash and slice
the cucumber into small
pieces, then place the cut
on the face with acne.


Melon Fruit BenefitsMelon Fruit Benefits

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Melon is a fruit that is very easily
found in traditional markets and
supermarkets. It feels fresh and
not too sweet, yellow and white
mostly, the price was cheap. But
more importantly, in addition to
delicious eaten, the fruits that
contain lots of water (about 95%
of the fruit flesh) is also rich in
vitamins and minerals, so
abundant benefits for the body.
In terms of water content were
melons can provide a sense of
cool and soothing effect, so as to
relieveheartburn and cleanse
the kidneys from the remnants
of metabolism.
Some vitamins and minerals
contained in them melons
protein, calcium, phosphorus,
vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin
C. Mineral content is able to
eliminate the acidity of the body
that need to be eliminated
because it can interfere with
digestion, especially the stomach
organ. He is also able to cure
constipation . In addition, the
content of an anticoagulant
called adenosine able to stop the
clottingof blood cells that can
trigger the onset of disease
stroke or heart. Medium high
carotenoid content in fruit can
prevent cancer and also lowers
the risk of lung cancer .
Finally, the melon has a very
good diuretic power so that it
can cure kidney disease and
severe disease and acute
eczema. If combined with
lemon , melon can quell the uric
acid .


Mangosteen BenefitsMangosteen Benefits

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Mangosteen or has been
dubbed queen of this fruit has
the chemical name Garnicia
mangostana. Is a tree fruit crop
that comes from tropical forests
in Southeast Asia, namely
Malaysia or Indonesia wilderness.
mangosteen fruit has a lot of
benefit because the rich content
of antioxidants in the skin and
Some of the benefits of the
mangosteen fruit:
Preventing deadly diseases,
fruit mangosteen xanthones
contain substances that are
useful to tackle deadly
diseases such as cancer ,
diabetes , heart disease,
arthritis, Alzheimer's, and
others. Substance which is
derived xanthones from
mangosteen can prevent
various diseases caused by
inflammation, such as arthritis
and Alzheimer's (disease
dysfunction is one of the
brain). In addition xanthone
also useful to prevent the
growth of cancer cells and
tumors . Mangosteen rind that
is also multi anticancer
properties, antioxidants and
efficacious overcome coronary
heart disease, HIV, and so on.
Antiproliferasi mangosteen
peel extract is to inhibit cancer
cell growth. In addition the
extract is also apotosis
destroyers of cancer cells.
Xanthone contained
substances capable of treating
him some types of cancer
such as liver cancer,
gastrointestinal, lung, and so
on. Xanthones in mangosteen
peel too powerful to
overcome the disease
tuberculosis (TB), asthma,
leukemia, inflammatory, and
Relieve pain, a doctor in the
United States claimed to have
replaced drugs to relieve the
pain in the neck by consuming
mangosteen fruit regularly.
Mangosteen is also efficacious
in reducing pain.
Fight free radicals,
mangosteen fruit contains
catechins which proved more
effective and more efficient
than vitamin C or vitamin E in
fighting free radicals that exist
in our bodies. Templeman
Frederc doctor who wrote the
book "A Doctor Challenge, A
Mangosteen Solution"
recommends consuming
mangosteen fruit every day as
a food supplement, will get
more antioxidants than any
supplements offered in
medicine. In addition the
content of alpha-and gamma-
maostin Mangostin the
mangosteen fruit is also as an
antibacterial. Alpha-magodtin
also known to have
effectiveness as well as
antibiotics that are in the
market such as amphicillin
and minocycline.
Reducing high blood
pressure , hypertension or
high blood pressure also
occur due to an interruption
in blood vessels, and the risk
of heart disease and stroke .
Mangosteen fruit can
overcome this, especially to
normalize body weight.


Longan Fruit Benefits

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Fruit by the scientific name
Dimocarpus logan or better
known in general by the name
of longan fruit , which has
another name as kelengkeng or
eye-cat or longan originated
from mainland Southeast Asia.
Longan fruit is round with more
or less the size of a marble. On
growth, the fruit is clustered on
malainya. Rind is light brown to
black with a surface rather
berbintil-nodule, with white flesh
that clear and watery. It was very
sweet and has a distinctive
fragrance. Seeds globular,
consisting of two pieces and
coated with a black seed coat.
Meat seeds themselves are white,
contain carbohydrates, a little oil,
and saponins.
Benefits of Longan Fruit as
Longan fruit flesh contains
sucrose, glucose, protein, fat,
vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik
acids and plant chemicals
(phytochemicals) more useful for
health. The combination of these
phytochemical compounds have
various benefits, among them is
to loosen the nerves. Therefore
litchi fruit provide a calming
effect and merit overcome
anxiety, insomnia. Also beneficial
heart healthy and able to treat
heart pounding. Longan fruit is
very good consumed by people
in the selection of stamina after
illness because it can strengthen
the affluent, increases red blood
production, adds nafsuh eating
and increase energy.
Longan fruit is also useful and
improve healthy intestinal
absorption of food, launched
urination, overcome worms, treat
headaches, vaginal discharge and
a hernia.While the roots of litchi
trees efficacious as a laxative
urine and the blood circulation.
The leaves of longan trees
efficacious as an anti-
inflammatory and fever reducer.
The seeds are useful to relieve
pain and stop bleeding. Because
the seeds contain saponin
compounds that can produce
foam in large quantities, it is also
used as material for washing hair
Use for Treatment
Amnesia, mental decline,
anxiety (anxiety)
"Tonic longan" (gui yan gao):
500 grams of fresh litchi fruit and
500 gramsof sugar, boil in water
until it becomes thick. Drink each
day of a scoop.
Weak entity or body repair
west after illness
Consumption of 250 grams of
fresh litchi fruit every day.
Weak and lacking energy
during pregnancy
Drink one teaspoon daily "tonic
longan" in the morning and
Loss of appetite, weakness
and diarrhea affluent
Eat 60 grams of fresh longan
fruit, do it two times a day in the
morning and evening.
Take a little skin or shell of
longan, grilled until charred.
Finely crushed and mixed with
tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on
the part and caught fire.
External wound that never
Take a little skin or shell of
longan, grilled until charred.
Mash finely and mix with olive
oil. Apply on the injured area.
Itchy toes and pus
Take some longan seeds, roasted
on the fire. Mash until smooth,
spread on the affected part.


Yellow Pumpkin Fruit Benefits

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Cucurbita pepo or pumpkin fruit
included in C3 plants because
the first fixation of organic
carbon is a three-carbon
compound, 3-fofogliserat.
Tumbuan C3 plants, which itself
is the initial carbon fixation
occurs via rubisco, the Calvin
cycle enzyme that adds CO 2 to
ribulose bisphosphate. These
plants produce less food when
the stomata are closed on hot
days and dry.
Pumpkin seeds contained in
sejumla substances, among them
a kind of rare amino acids (such
as m-karboksifenilalanina,
pirazoalanina, aminobutyric acid,
etilasparagina, and sitrulina) and
a number of other amino acids
necessary prostate gland (such
as alanina, glycine, and glutamic
acid) . These seeds also contain
trace elements Zn (zinc) and Mg
(magnesium) are very important
for reproductive health,
including the prostate gland.
Another form of asak fat content
ofthe primary, namely linoleic
acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid and
a little bit. In addition, vitamin E
(tocopherol) and carotenoids,
namely lutein and beta-carotene
are also present in meat seeds.
Hormone beta-sitosterol that is
storing the efficacy mengambat
or suppress the action of the
enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. This
enzyme reduces the formation of
dihydrotestosterone hormone
testosterone. That way, the
enlargement of the prostate
gland can be prevented.


Pumpkin Fruit BenefitsPumpkin Fruit Benefits

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Pumpkin or waluh a food rich in
vitamins A and C, minerals, and
carbohydrates. There are five
species of gourd is commonly
known, namely Cucurbita
maxima Duchenes, Cucurbita
ficifolia Bouche, Cucurbita mixta,
Cucurbita moschata Duchenes,
Philip L. and Cucurbita The five
species of Cucurbita in Indonesia
called pumpkin (waluh) because
it has characteristics that are
similar. Based on research
conducted by the Nutrition and
health experts, fruit squash has
huge benefits for your health to
cure various diseases and also
for beauty.
Elements of vitamins
contained in a pumpkin:
In 100 grams of pumpkin
contains 34 calories.
Fat 0.8
45 milligrams calcium.
0.8 Mineral.
Vitamin C.
Vitamin A.
Chemical content contained
on pumpkin fruit crops:
A source of anti-bacterial and
Boost the immune system.
Increase vitality.
Reducing blood sugar levels.
amengurangi blood clotting.
Circulation of blood
throughout the body and
prevent blockages of blood
Reduce the content of
cholesterol and reduce the
accumulation of fat in the
blood vessel walls.
Reduce levels of coronary
heart disease risk.
Contains anti-inflammatory
Functions as an antioxidant.
Helps reduce pain in case of
bleeding or swelling.
As the binding protein and as
a protective protein from
rumen microbial degradation.
The benefits of a pumpkin for
health and kecatikan:
High blood pressure .
Arterostklerosis / narrowing
pemculuh virgin.
Coronary heart.
Diabetes mellitus / diabetes .
Reduce heat.
CHAPTER launched.
Cells prevent the development
ofcancer .
For children who suffer from
intestinal worms, 10 grams of
fresh roasted pumpkin seeds
and then crushed into
powder, brewed with hot
water / warm, then dsaring
and drink well before
Gatah of skin that fresh
pumpkin can be used as a
face mask (facial skin
tightening, acne, and soften
the skin). Apply the sap of
pumpkin in the face, let sit 20
minutes, wash with warm
For young women or mothers
who want to lose excessive
weight gain, consumption of
fruit boiled pumpkin as a
breakfast menu or dinner
menu. Apply for a week, feel
the results.


Dates Fruit Benefits

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For most Muslim societies, date
palm is one of the important
fruit to eat when breaking the
fast. In addition to the natural
sweet taste, this fruit also
contains high protein and fiber
that serves to soften the bowel.
More special again, a date can
also lower the risk of stroke due
to potassium content in it.
According to experts, high blood
diseases from Minnesota
University, Dr. Louis Tobian Jr..,
Dates can lower blood pressure
and can provide additional
power to prevent a stroke
directly, however the condition
of a person's blood pressure.
Another advantage, dates
contain many important vitamins,
like vitamin A and riboflavin in
sufficient numbers, as well as
niacin and potassium in large
numbers. In addition, this fruit
also contains iron, vitamin B1,
nicotinic acid and that helps
release energy and keep the skin
and nervous to stay healthy.
Some properties of other dates
are: maintaining a healthy heart
and heal a cough if taken in the
form of juice because of the
sugars contained in them were
able to eliminate the itching in
the throat at once stop the


Fruit Benefits froFruit Benefits fro

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Tiny fruit of this palm tree is
often present and familiar at the
dinner table we arrived during
Ramadan, especially during
fasting. He could serve a variety
of types of preparations, such as
stuffing compote, set fruit,
sweets, or a mixture of cold
drinks. No afdol feel if when
breaking fast is not equipped
with the presence of these fro.
And fro in Dutch called
glibbertkjes is actually only an
albumin protein needed by the
palm tree seeds as food supplies.
Fruits high water content is taken
fromthe sugar palm fruit seed
flat oval-shaped, sticky and itchy.
To convert it to and fro, sugar
palm fruit must first be burned
to charred or boiled for several
hours. After that, proceed with
muted with lime water for
several days until the seeds can
be processed.
In terms of nutrition, fruit chewy
texture and translucent white is
actually not a great nutrition.
However, it does not mean he is
not helpful at all. At least, if
eaten without much use of
sugar, and fro work can facilitate
the gastrointestinal tract, thus
indirectly also will launch a
bowel movement (BAB).


Lemon Citrus Fruit Benefits

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Lemons can be used as lozenges.
How, grilled lemon half cut until
the color is slightly browned,
then wring it out when it's cold.
Mix the juice with water one
teaspoon honey and drink.
Throat will undoubtedly be
For other properties of this fruit,
see the article tips laundry
bleach with lemon juice
and lemon tips utilize in your
kitchen .


Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

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Fruit originating from China but
more is produced in New
Zealand, has the chemical name
Actinidia deliciosa. The fruit is in
their home country known as
the Chinese gooseberry has a
unique shape, ie oval, with hairy
skin and brown.
The content contained in kiwi
fruit :
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Folic Acid
Another antioxidant that is
high enough
Glicaemik Index (GI)
Fats and Cholesterol Low
Benefits of kiwi fruit:
Can boost immunity, because
many contain vitamins and
Prevent spinal defects in
Encourage the development
of brain and cognitive
development of children
Keeping blood pressure
condition and heart health
Keep the digestive system and
vision health, which usually
decreases due to aging.


Persimmon Fruit BenefitsPersimmon Fruit Benefits

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Persimmon fruit can be regarded
as the world's most unfortunate
because often the subject of
ridicule. He is considered
flirtatious and powdery like skin
because of its fruit plastered
white powder. In addition,
because of its shape like an
apple, persimmon earned the
nickname "the apple of Java"
alias "is not an actual apple."
Yet, beneath it all, persimmon
fruit meruapakan one natural
alternative to getting healthy and
fit body.
Fruit is known as the oriental
persimmon (UK) and shi (China)
has a nutrient content that is not
less great with apples . Even for
the content of specific
substances, persimmon
champion. For example, the fiber
content of a substance contained
ina persimmon fruit were two
times more than it is in an apple.
Based on further research, it is
known that there are a lot of
great chemistry in persimmon
fruit. Among these compounds
are antioxidants that are other
than efficacious to prevent
cancer , can also inhibit the
process of premature aging.
Consuming one grain each day
persimmon also been shown to
help prevent hardening of the
arteries. This is because the
persimmon is able to maintain
blood pressure in order to not
exceed the normal threshold. By
maintaining the flexibility of
blood vessels and stabilizes
blood pressure, heart health
indirectly you will also be
From the research, concluded
that the persimmon fruit in a
single grain containing 19.6%
carbohydrates, especially
fructose and glucose 0.7%
protein, vitamin A and
potassium. Every 100 grams of
persimmon contains energy 88
cal, 15 grams carbohydrates, 6
mg calcium, phosphorus 26 mg,
813 mcg of retinol and ascorbic
acid 20 mg.
Some other benefits of
persimmons is to nourish the
lungs, strengthens spleen, and of
course, relieve thirst. This fruit
can be eaten directly in a fresh
condition or may be treated as a
snack mix. But most importantly,
at the time of picking or buying,
choose the color of his skin had
turned yellow.


Efficacy Pare

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Fruit of bitter melon known for
its bitterness. But apparently
behind it, the plant is storing
remarkable properties. Ranging
from medicine to cope with
everyday diseases (dysentery,
ulcers , etc.). Even a recent study
concluded that the fruit of bitter
melon can be trusted as a
barrier to employment rate of
the HIV virus that causes AIDS.
Chisenese is a researcher from
the University of Hong Kong who
broughtthe astounding news.
They managed to isolate two
types of proteins contained in
pare - a protein named Alpha
and Beta - which are both
capable of inhibiting the
progression of HIV-AIDS virus. A
lab test results at New York
University School of Medicine
complete with supernatural
powers pare discovered a third
type of protein - called MAP 30 -
which again is also effective for
preventing HIV rate.
Capsules containing the
powdered seeds of bitter melon
is commonly marketed in the
U.S. and thanks to pare therapy,
those with HIV-AIDS in Thailand
and the U.S. seem more clinically
healthy and her weight
increased. Presumably not an
overstatement that the
researchers are optimistic in the
next 10 years discovered a drug
that would actually work to
overcome HIV-AIDS virus.
In addition to forgiveness as a
weapon against the HIV virus,
bitter melon is also known as a
role model for people with
diabetes because it is believed to
restore blood sugar levels. This is
thanks to sulfonylurea similar
substances, which can stimulate
beta cell pancreas gland to
produce more insulin and blood
sugar increase savings reserves in
the liver, so the sugar that
circulates in the blood can be
Pare the current crop has been
cultivated in various parts of the
archipelago. Generally, the
cultivation is done as a sideline.
Pare can be planted in their
yards, fields, or fields used as
penyelang rice in the dry season.
Here are some other benefits of
bitter melon fruit: to cure
dysentery, diabetes , ulcers
bronchitis, pinworms,
hemorrhoids , skin diseases,
syphilis, and gonorrhea; add
milk, and nourish hair.


Olive Fruit BenefitsOlive Fruit Benefits

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The olive tree has many health
benefits and kencantikan body.
Not only men but also the leaves
of olive trees can be utilized for
treatment. The olive tree is
known from the island of Crete,
who entered the territory of
Greece. Therefore, society has
long been the ancient Greeks
used olive leaves as a medicinal
wash the wound. In addition
olive leaf is also used as a
remedy for urinary bladder, and
research shows olive leaf has the
ability to help decrease blood
sugar levels as well as beneficial
lowering high blood pressure .
The leaves also contain anti-
microbial and extremely effective
against a number of fungi,
viruses and bacteria.
While olive oil obtained from
extraction of the fruit, serve to
protect the digestive system. If oil
is smeared on the skin surface
can moisturize, soften and
maintain skin elasticity. This oil
also serves as an oil for other
oils. When used in cooking or as
food supplements, olive oil can
keep the heart and arteries stay
flexible. Consuming olive
husband regularly shown to
prevent the accumulation of
cholesterol in the arteries.
Olive oil can also serve to
control lipid levels in the blood.
Consume one tablespoon of
olive oil mixed with a glass of
orange juice once a day, is
known to treat gallstones.


Savor strawberriesSavor strawberries

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Strawberries, tiny red fruit and
black spots are very good for
health. The taste is sweet and
slightly sour menbuatnya much-
loved. The content of vitamin C
found in strawberries more than
1 orange orange, because
strawberries provide 94
milligrams of vitamin C or 1.5
requirement of vitamin C daily.
Many of the benefits of
consuming vitamin C, among
others, maintaining healthy teeth
and gums remain healthy
children, helps wound healing
and increase body resistance
against infections as well as being
anantioxidant that helps reduce
the risk of some types of cancer .
Eight strawberries or 1 cup cut
strawberries contains only 50
calories and contain no
cholesterol or saturated fatty
acids. The same number also
provides 30 micrograms (mcg),
folic acid. This amount is
equivalent to 7.5 percent of the
daily requirement of folic acid
for pregnant women, that is 400
mcg. Folic acid is important for
preventing neural tube defects in
fetuses. In addition, 1 cup
strawberries also contains 270
milligrams of potassium skitar,
where potassium is one existing
minerals in the diet
recommended for people who
want to lower blood pressure.
The same number also
megandung about 4 grams of
fiber, which can help lower
cholesterol and blood fat levels
healthy digestive tract. Fruit
Strawberries also contain
phytochemical compounds that
ellagik acid, quercetin,
kaempferol, phenolic acids and
anthocyanins which are known
to prevent clotting of the virgin,
one of the causes of heart attack
or stroke .
Benefits of Strawberries
According to research
conducted by the United State
Department of Agriculture,
the properties will not change
even though strawberries are
processed into juice, pie or
jam. Research shows, toast
spread with strawberry jam
antioksiden contains 50
percent more than fresh
Consume 1 cup fresh
strawberries every day can
reduce the risk of various
cancers. Among cervical
cancer, breast, colon, and
Strawberries nutritious boost
brain power and keep the
vision remains clear. The
benefits can be obtained if
you routinely eat strawberries,
at least one to three cups.
Strawberries can be used as a
natural acne cure, because
this fruit contains salicylic acid
which is generally contained
by the majority of acne
medications sold in the
market. How: puree the
strawberries, mix with a little
yogurth, apply on face, leave
on for approximately 15
Menguyah strawberries every
day is also useful to whiten
teeth and eliminates bad
Kendungan strawberries are
also useful for smoothing the
skin of the body, being able to
liftdead skin cells. How: Soak
the pieces of strawberries, a
mixture of milk and olive oil.
Rub all over your body. If the
routine skin will become
softer, not dull, and the heel
will not chapped.
Strawberries are rich in
vitamin C and vitamin C in
strawberries is safe for the
Strawberries and Kenker
Based on the research, the
amount of the bladder
aktioksidan strawberries
recorded the highest score.
Where antioxidants are
compounds that can protect
body cells from damage by
materials penimbul cancer. How
to work antioxidants is to
prevent or disrupt that can lead
to the formation of cancer cells.
Both the specific substances in
the strawberry and the
strawberry itself turned out to
have anti-cancer properties. In
an attempt to extract the
strawberries by the U.S.
Department of Agirculture, the
extract showed a greater
inhibitory power against cervical
cancer cell growth and breast
cancer cells. Several studies also
showed that there ellagik acid in
strawberries can inhibit lung
cancer , esophagus, breast, skin,
and liver cancer caused by
digestive chemicals. In
experiments with breast cancer
cells, ellagik acids can inhibit
growth to 45 percent. Kuercetin
present in strawberries may also
inhibit the growth of prostate
cancer and breast cancer.


Soursop Fruit Benefits

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Soursop fruit is also known by
the name Sabrang jackfruit,
jackfruit Londo or on the island
of Bali, called the Java Sugar-
apple has a Latin name of
Annona muricata. Soursop fruit
in addition to delicious food, it
also has a lot of drug content.
Soursop fruit benefits for
Hemorrhoid, take the ripe
fruit soursop. Squeeze to take
water as much as 1 cup, and
drink 2 times a day, morning
and afternoon.
Urine bladder pain, prepare
a half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar
and salt to taste. All materials
created tersebit cooked
compote. Eaten plain, and
performed regularly every day
for 1 week in a row.
Infant diarrhea, prepare the
soursop fruit is ripe. Squeeze
and strain to take the water
in, drinking from diarrhea in
infants between 2-3
Anyang-anyangen, take
stengah ripe soursop and
sugar to taste. Peel the
soursop and boiled with sugar
along with 2 cups of water,
filtered drinking dams.
Lumbago, 2o soursop leaves
boiled with 5 cups water to
boil down to 3 cups. Drink 1 a
day 3 / 4 cup.
To eliminate the smoking
habit, for you are a heavy
smoker and had a variety of
ways but can not eliminate
them well, then try: take
soursop that has been
cooked / boiled over 5 cm.
Eat every morning on an
ongoing basis until you lose
your smoking habit.
For asthma or shortness of
breath, prepare 7 soursop
leaves are made ​​nest by the
ants war-war. Then crumple
and absorb the water until it
reaches approximately half a
glass. Drink every morning
until your disease cured.
Reduce the heat, either in
children or adults is to eat
soursop fruit that has been
cooked. It could also, take the
young soursop leaf, squeeze
and then absorb the water. If
too thick, mix water and use
the premises sufficiently to
To cure a cough lightly,
have seven young soursop
leaves. Crumple and absorb
the water. Drink every
morning before any
Treatment of cancer , s tudi
at Purdue University show
that the soursop leaf can
kill cancer cells effectively,
particularly cancer cells:
prostate, pancreas, and
lungs. How: 10 old soursop
leaves boiled in 3 cups of
water until the remaining 1
cup, drink 2 times per day for
2 weeks. Soursop leaves are
said to nature such as
chemotherapy, even
moreremarkable because
soursop leaves only kill cells
that grow abnormally and
allow cells to grow normally.


Sapodilla Fruit Benefits

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Brown fruit in the area of ​​West
Sumatra is better known as this
sauce turned out to save a lot of
properties. Besides the sweet
taste, meat sapodilla fruit can be
used to cure diarrhea. The trick
is as follows:
1. Take one young sapodilla
fruit and wash clean.
2. Grated, then squeeze and
strain. Add a little boiled
3. Drink twice a day.
In addition to meat, sapodilla
tree sap and leaves can also be
used as an alternative to treat
diarrhea in herbs. To sap, drink
1 / 2 cup hot water mixed with a
less mature over 15 young
sapodilla fruit gum drops. As for
the leaves, boil one cup of
chopped leaves in two cups
water for 15 minutes. Drink
boiled water three times a day.
Sapodilla efficacy for treating
diarrheal diseases is the presence
of falvonoida content in the fruit
and sapodilla trees. The leaves
contain saponins are the stems
contain Tanis. Substances that
play an important role in
overcoming diarrhea.
In addition to diarrhea, sore
mouth and dysentery can also
be overcome by sapodilla fruit.
To heal the inflammation of the
mouth, a bowl of chopped
leaves of brown, then boiled in
two cups water for 10 minutes.
Use water to rinse the cooking
results. As for curing dysentery,
take 8 young sapodilla fruit,
wash, then chew-chew fine with
salt to taste. Take it little by little
and drinking warm water if it is.
Do twice a day until cured.


Plum Fruit BenefitsPlum Fruit Benefits

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Plum or prune ferulid contain
acid which has anti-cancer
compounds. According to
research, if these substances are
widely consumed, it can help
reduce the risk of cancer
colon. It also contains
hydroxycinnamate, an
antioxidant that can prevent LDL
oxidation. Together with a variety
of fiber it contains, plums can
protect against heart attacks
and lowering cholesterol .
In addition, plums contain
borron, a type of mineral that
helps the body absorb calcium,
so eating 10-12 dried plums per
day can help prevent bone loss
and reduce the risk
ostheoporosis. In addition, this
fruit contains fiber and


Pears Fruit Benefits

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Most of us would ever eat a
pear . However, few of us who
know the pear as a fruit that has
a high nutritional value. Pears
are included in the genus Pyrus
and the family Rosaceae. Like
apples , pears including juicy
fruit, because it contains a very
high water. The characters that
bring freshness, making a pear is
a favorite of consumers.
The benefits of eating pears:
-> Take control of blood
Pears are classified as plants that
have a fairly good nutritional
value, such as potassium, fiber
(dietary fiber), vitamin C, vitamin
K and copper. According to The
George Mateljan Foundation
(2006), fiber content of food in a
pear included in either category.
Eating a pear 19.8 percent meet
the body's need for fiber food
every day.
in addition to lowering
cholesterol , fiber content of
food is very useful for the
digestive system. Consumption of
fiber in sufficient quantities is
good for constipation and is safe
for sensitive stomach or intestinal
inflammation. content of fiber
and copper in a pear can also
prevent the occurrence of
cancer of the colon. High fiber
content makes the pears are
very good for people with
diabetes .
-> Vitamins C and K
Pears are a good source of
vitamin C. Consumption stu
pears every day to meet 17
percent of the body's vitamin C
every day. Vitamin C is known as
the main compounds the body
needs in a variety of important
processes, ranging from the
manufacture of collagen, fat
transport, electron carriers from
different reaction enzemik, hyper
healthy gums, regulating
cholesterol levels, as well as
immunity boosters. In addition,
vitamin C is necessary tubh for
wound healing and improve
brain function in order to work
The content of vitamin K in a
pear is also quite good.
Consumption of pear meet 15
percent of the body's need for
vitamin K each day. Vitamin K is
very useful to help the process
of blood clotting. Vitamin K has
a potential in preventing serious
diseases, like heart disease and
stroke, due to the effect that can
reduce hardening of the arteries
by a factor of calcium plaque
-> Anti-Cancer
Pears have a number of benefits
that are useful for maintaining
good health. in addition to the
high nutritional content, pears
also contain compounds that are
essential for the body. Pears
contain chlorogenic acid
(chlorogenic acid) that is one
part of hydroxy cinnamic acid
(hydroxy cinnamic acid),. hydroxy
cinnamic acid is acting as an
antioxidant that may block the
formation of cancer cells. The
results also showed that the acid
is also able to prevent the
growth of Shigella sonnei
bacteria, which cause diseases of
the digestive tract.
Hydroxy cinnamic acid can also
prevent colon cancer. Ability is
owned because it can bind nitric
acid in the stomach, thus
inhibiting the formation of
nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are
carcinogenic compounds (cancer
causing) with huge potential in
the body.


Papaya Fruit Benefits

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Papaya a natural ingredient that
has many beneficial for the
body. Not only fruit that can be
exploited, but almost from all
parts of the papaya tree can
dimanfaaatkan. Starting from the
root, stem, leaf, fruit, bark, sap
even have properties that are
useful for the body. Papaya fruit
is also rich in essential
ingredients such as
carbohydrates, fats, protein,
vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C,
calcium, phosphorus, iron, and
Benefits of papaya fruit:
Gastrointestinal drugs,
protein-degrading enzymes of
papaya, can membanru
digestion in the body. In
addition to helping
expenditure in the intestinal
tract and pancreas, papaya
also reduces the sap of the
stomach and break down
protein and starch. So after
eating this fruit, the body's
digestive system, the better.
Antibodies, papaya contains
carotene and vitaminC. with
these two substances, papaya
capable as antioxidants in the
body. In addition, the papaya
can repair tissue and
neutralize toxins that enter. So
asto prevent and treat some
viruses such as pneumonia or
acute inflammation of the
Drug burns, papaya latex is
able to kill bacteria in burns.
Thus, an acid or nitrogen
content due to the
proliferation of bacteria can
be inhibited. So it can
accelerate the wound healing
process that we experience.
Tighten the breast, papaya
fruit since our ancestors first
believed to be the fruit that
can tighten the breast. The
enzyme in papaya can help
breast growth resulting in
more taut and supple. Papaya
is also enriched with vitamins
A hormn fasteners and which
release the hormone
stimulates the ovaries of
females. Of these hormones,
the mammary gland will be
smooth and the ideal breast
Slimming body, papaya is
also efficacious attenuate the
body. With diligent in taking
papaya enzyme can generate
double the ripe papaya.
Tersebutlah enzymes that act
as decomposers of fat in our
body. These enzymes also
break down proteins better
and eliminate excess flesh.
Ageless, levels of vitamin C in
papaya is 48 times that of
apples . Papaya is also active
as a detoxification so it can
refresh the skin from within.
Papaya can also promote skin
metabolism. Papaya fruit also
melt the layers of skin and
horns aging substances arising
in the pores, so skin firmer
and brighter. Therefore, from
now on be diligent to make a
mask of papaya fruit.

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